ÖNORM EN ISO 17078-2 - Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie - Bohr- und Produktionsausrüstungen - Teil 2: Durchfluss-Regelvorrichtungen für Gaslift-Ventile (ISO 17078-2:2007 + Cor 1:2009) (konsolidierte Fassung)
Norm-beschreibende Schlagwörter
ÖNORM EN ISO 17078-2
Norm-Titel, deutsch
Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie - Bohr- und Produktionsausrüstungen - Teil 2: Durchfluss-Regelvorrichtungen für Gaslift-Ventile (ISO 17078-2:2007 + Cor 1:2009) (konsolidierte Fassung)
ÖNORM EN ISO 17078-2 (2008 04 01)
Norm-Titel, englisch
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Part 2: Flow-control devices for side-pocket mandrels (ISO 17078-2:2007 + Cor 1:2009) (consolidated version)
Norm-Titel, französisch
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel - Équipement de forage et de production - Partie 2: Dispositifs de régulation de la vitesse d'écoulement pour raccords à poche latérale (ISO 17078-2:2007 + Cor 1:2009) (version consolidée)
gültig ab
internat. Übereinstimmung
ISO 17078-2 (2007) , ident EN ISO 17078-2 (2007 12) , ident ISO 17078-2/Cor1 (2009) , ident EN ISO 17078-2/AC (2009 11) , ident
This part of ÖNORM EN ISO 17078 provides requirements for flow control devices used in side-pocket mandrels in subsurface wells in the petroleum and natural gas industry. This includes requirements for specifying, selecting, designing, manufacturing, quality control, testing, and preparation for shipping of flow control devices. Additionally it includes information regarding performance testing and calibration procedures. The installation and retrieval of flow control devices is outside the scope of this part of ÖNORM EN ISO 17078. Additionally, this document is not applicable to flow control devices that are for use in center-set mandrels or with tubingretrievable applications. This part of ÖNORM EN ISO 17078 does not include requirements for side-pocket mandrels, running, pulling, and kickover tools, and latches that may or may not be covered in other ISO specifications. Reconditioning of used flow control device is outside of the scope of this part of ÖNORM EN ISO 17078. Whenever the term ¿flow control
Seitenanzahl der Norm
zitierte Normen
ISO 9000 ISO 15156 Reihe ISO 17078-1:2004 ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sect. IX ASTM A370 ASTM D1415 ASTM D2240 BS 2M 54 MIL-STD 1916 MIL-STD 413C SAE AMS-H-6875 SAE AS568B