ÖNORM EN ISO 15329 - Korrosion von Metallen und Legierungen - Anodische Prüfung für die Auswertung interkristalliner Korrosionsempfindlichkeit von aushärtbaren Aluminiumlegierungen (ISO 15329:2006)
Norm-beschreibende Schlagwörter
Norm-Titel, deutsch
Korrosion von Metallen und Legierungen - Anodische Prüfung für die Auswertung interkristalliner Korrosionsempfindlichkeit von aushärtbaren Aluminiumlegierungen (ISO 15329:2006)
ÖNORM EN ISO 15329 (2007 12 01)
Norm-Titel, englisch
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Anodic test for evaluation of intergranular corrosion susceptibility of heat-treatable aluminium alloys (ISO 15329:2006)
Norm-Titel, französisch
Corrosion des métaux et alliages - Essai anodique pour l'évaluation de la sensibilité à la corrosion intergranulaire des alliages d'aluminium aptes au traitement thermique (ISO 15329:2006)
gültig ab
internat. Übereinstimmung
EN ISO 15329 (2008 04) , ident ISO 15329 (2006) , ident
This standard specifies an electrochemical method to determine susceptibility to intergranular corrosion of solution-heat-treatable aluminium alloys, that is 2XXX, 6XXX, 7XXX and 8XXX alloys, without protective coatings and in various ageing conditions. This standard is applicable to cast and wrought heat-treatable aluminium alloys in the form of castings, forgings, plates, sheets, extrusions, and semi-finished or finished parts, in order to carry out a comparative assessment of alloys of different grades and thickness depending on their chemical composition and other factors, and also to check the thermal processing quality of the tested materials. The test results provide information to help to determine the intergranular corrosion resistance and thermal processing quality of the tested materials. The test results cannot be regarded as absolute, because they are not applicable to all environments that can be met in service. They are best used in a relative manner, to compare the intergranular corrosi