This standard specifies the technical conditions of inspection and delivery, the mechanical properties, the tolerances on dimensions and form of rolled semi-finished aluminium alloy products intended for floor plating, e.g. in vehicle construction, shipbuilding and metallic structures with a raised pattern on one side and a smooth surface on the other side. It applies to sheets, strips and plates from 1,2 mm up to 20 mm in thickness and up to and including 2 500 mm in width, and to sheets and plates up to 14 000 mm in length.
Seitenanzahl der Norm
zitierte Normen
EN 485-1 EN 573-3 EN 10002-1 EN 10204 EN 12258-1:1998 EN ISO 7438 ASTM G 66 ASTM G 67 ASTM B 928